making cookies for tomorrow's picnic party

before sunrise in drifter coffee

after sunrise in drifter coffee : cigarette. tea. pottery.breakfast

the sea before sunset with whale

the sea before sunset with whale

before sunset

Kao and her dog, now she is in Australia

seaside picnic

hsian and cajon
Drifting year
After graduation I went to dark room.Dark night encourage me to take photo.At that time I shoot in order to shoot.
Every week I went to darkroom to print then I start to feel alive.
Then I travel to Okinawa.
I took so many photo there.
I met my sun in a farm. When I return back I want to tell a story about the farm but in the end i didn’t finish it then left Taipei
I could't take photo since I go to Tainan.Then I met my moon in fall. Before moon appear I took some photo then my camera was out of electricity.
I still remember moon told me do not shoot. Just look at it. Then I can not take any photo after that.
Then I met a star.
I shoot again as a farewell.
After that I met my light. Light teach me to live fully.
Except first sight I shoot. After I only enjoy in every moment.
Then I decide to leave dark night
Finally I visit my dark room teacher in taipei
and give it back the camera he gave me.I said I could’t shoot in tainan.
Teacher said
you just feel the wind and live.
That’s good enough.
You don’t need to shoot. The words really hit me strongly.
When dark night really left
I don’t know how to react suddenly
so I use my camera again.That’s the only thing i can do
Then I start to drift. I finally experience a mobile life I want but i can not shoot any more.
I know everything beautiful disappear so quickly so I use my eyes to look.
I use my body to feel.
I still remember so many people ask me " what are you searching for? "
One day I realize and answer: I am finding a feeling of home. But I never find
then I realize I can only find inside my heart.
I only took 6 roll of film during this drifting year.
In the end .I dare go back to my hometown to live after 15 years leaving home. I saw the picture back and forth
and feel the air of freedom.
That’s what I want for so long
and I suddenly realize the very beautiful moment
it’s also ok to shoot.Creation is my gift
Drift year series are all made by the things people give me.
Hsian gave me a easy camera when she took the chair from my home.
Whale gave me two expire film.
Dark room teacher gave me some film.
teacher of my japanese friend gave me a film
then turn to these series.
The date is there
as the proof of time
It is a love song
To my dark night. sun .moon. star and light
and all the encounter during my life trip